Our Program

House Building

Breaking the poverty cycle through health, education and community assistance

You can change a life
Hi Shapes

About this program

Houses are built for families who are living in unsafe shelters and are extremely vulnerable. HOPE staff ask the family to assist within their capacity; whether that be some monetary commitment or assistance with the build.

Hi Shapes

Our Stories

How families have been impacted
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Prevention Mother to Child Transmission Program

Health is the priority that human beings care about. When the moms and dads come regularly to collect milk formula each month, the HOPE nurse checks on their health and reviews any hygiene guidelines. The senior nurse informed the parents about Cervical Cancer because there are some cases in Battambang. This concern was clearly explained […]
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Community Assistance, Sopheap YOUN

Health is essential for human beings to take care of all the time. Under the distinguished presence of Mr. Graham, Mr. Peter, the Director, and social worker, in collaboration with the local authority, visited and studied the family situation of Mr. Youn Sopheap, who is facing health problems due to a spinal cord injury, unable […]
Letters from CambodiaHi Hfcc
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